Rebels Agree To 'Security Zone' At Crash Site

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014 | 14.59

Pro-Russian separatists have agreed to set up a "security zone" around the Malaysia Airlines crash scene amid reports of looting and evidence being compromised.

Ukraine said talks between the two sides "concluded with an agreement to set up a 20km (12 miles) security zone so that Ukraine could fulfil the most important thing - identify the bodies (and) hand them over to relatives".

Concerns have been raised about the investigation into the plane disaster after a team of 30 international observers complained they were confronted by aggressive armed rebels who restricted their access to the crash site.

OSCE monitors speak with a pro-Russian separatist at the site of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 plane crash Security monitors speak to a separatist at the crash scene

Critically, they said they were unable to speak to anyone about the whereabouts of the jet's two black box voice and data recorders.

Six air accident investigators from Britain and a Malaysian disaster response team are due in the capital Kiev later.

Reports of looting have also emerged as victims' bodies and belongings remain strewn across the area two days after the crash.

Sky's Michelle Clifford, in Donetsk, said: "These disturbing reports are gaining currency about looting at the site, that valuables, credit cards are being taken from bags from the wreckage, and in some cases from bodies.

Wreckage of downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine The debris was scattered over a wide area

"I think we should also see these reports in the context of a propaganda war. It may be part of a narrative to discredit the rebels.

"But, I have just spoken to somebody, a contact I know very well and trust, and he said with his own eyes he saw the rebels taking money and valuables from luggage at the site."

Some 298 people, including 10 Britons and 80 children were killed when flight MH17 was brought down near Grabovo, Donetsk.

The British Government has joined the United States in blaming pro-Russian separatists for the catastrophe.

A children's toy lies among the belongings of passengers of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 A children's toy lies among the passengers' possessions

Downing Street said it appeared "increasingly likely" a surface-to-air missile had been fired from near Torez, in territory controlled by rebels seeking closer ties to Moscow.

US ambassador Samantha Power said Washington could not rule out the possibility that Russia offered help to separatists to launch the missile, believed to be an SA-11.

The Boeing 777-200 was flying on an established route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that had been declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

It came down close to where Ukrainian forces have been battling separatists, with both sides blaming each other for the disaster.

Four british victims of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash. L-R: Richard Mayne, Ben Pocock, Glenn Thomas and Liam Sweeney British victims Richard Mayne, Ben Pocock, Glenn Thomas and Liam Sweeney

Ukraine condemned the "act of terrorism" and released what it claimed was a recording of an intercepted phone call between two Russian military intelligence officers, discussing the downing of the plane.

In an unverified video, apparently taken moments after the plane was hit, an alleged pro-Russian rebel boasts: "Wow, that was a blast."

However, Russia pointed the finger at its neighbour, saying it picked up radar activity from a Ukrainian Buk missile system south of Donetsk when the aircraft came down.

:: The Foreign Office has set up a helpline for anyone concerned.  Text MH17 to +447860010026, or call 020 7008 1500. Malaysia Airlines's emergency line is 00 6 037 884 1234.

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